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04 October 2016

Wake up and smell...

...the racial healing...#bluelivesmatter
Brandi Allen said her son Brian Ogle was targeted because of his pro-police comments on Facebook after students wore Black Lives Matter shirts to Sylacauga High School last week. Police say he was beaten up by multiple people in an abandoned parking lot Friday.
Nothing anybody could have done, right?

“My son took it to the principal at Sylacauga High School and I commend him for that. He showed her the threats that were being made to him, but she told him there was nothing she could do. I'm appalled.”

“Instead of us planning for his 18th birthday, we're here. Why? Because he made a statement that he backs the blue? I'm still trying to understand how someone, no matter the color of their skin, can do this to another human being,” said Brandi Allen.

Sylacauga Police Chief Kelley Johnson says says Ogle was attacked by between 9-60 "males" in an old Ace Hardware parking lot.

Allen said her son’s skull is broken in three places and he is bleeding from the brain.
Hear all that noise in the mainstream media? Me neither.#bluelivesmatterOnce again, it's the "Silence of the BLMs."


UPDATE: Detentions all around, huh?

What's a few minor skull fractures... among classmates?
The superintendent of the school system released the following statement: "I will use the full measure of my authority to maintain a safe environment for our students. Those who violate school rules and create a disturbance on campus will be subject to disciplinary action, including and up to expulsion."
More official reassurance...
“We do have a lot of names that are coming to us that some of the kids recognize that were there. And there’s more than one. There’s gonna be less than 60 I’m sure.”

Police Chief Kelley Johnson
Sorry... I got nuthin'.


UPDATE2: Four men arrested
"Four black men are facing charges for beating a white, teenage high school student from Alabama who voiced his pro-police views online."
It's a start.