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07 October 2016

One question right here, Nic...

That "Community Consultation Process" say anything about what happens when your unstoppable "social justice" bathroom rejiggering... meets, for example... those immovable Islamic theocratic dictates that forbid unrelated men and women from simply being in physical, fully-clothed proximity to one another? • don't ask, don't tell, don't beheadI'm guessing it most emphatically does not. •

Nic Weststrate, University of Toronto Mississauga's Equity and Diversity Officer, blithely refers to "differing levels of readiness"... which I suspect is a Guinness Book of Worlds Records-worthy uniquely Can-Lit euphemistic whiffle ball.


RELATED: The capricious & unknowable...chastity belt..."Will of Allah"...
“Is this some sort of mockery to the religion? Whoever you are, fear Allah.”
Or more to the point... his proxies.