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31 October 2016

Maybe they were really, really busy?

Nuseiba Hasan was 26 when she was last seen by her family in the fall of 2006. She wasn’t reported missing until early last year.

Police say they will be searching a property at 1207 Concession 8 West, Flamborough that was previously owned by the Hasan family.

RELATED: Remember, if you see something...

...say something...
A government file has been opened to investigate Democratic Institutions Minister Maryam Monsef for possible citizenship fraud, Postmedia Network has learned. One source was told by a government official with direct knowledge of the case that “at least six different people had called with complaints on Ms. Monsef.”
Some uncomfortable little factoids...
June 4, 2010 – One day after graduating from Trent, University, Monsef travelled to Iran and Afghanistan.

December 2013 – early 2014 – Monsef returns to Iran once again, on a religious pilgrimage visa. Canadian passport holders can no longer travel to Iran without a special permit, so Monsef uses her Afghan passport instead.
So, she was a refugee, in what sense?

Will Monsef turn out to be P'tit-P'tat's "Huma Abedin?"