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25 October 2016


Rum, sodomy and the European Union...we're all afghans now
"When the elite of a society becomes completely disengaged from reality, all hell can break loose."

"France. 1789-1794. Check it out."
In three, two...


RELATED: What else is he lying about?they all lieAnd it isn't just Obama who's playing fast & loose with the truth...
"She just can't say no to this shit. Why didn't they get this stuff out like 18 months ago? So crazy," Center for American Progress president Neera Tanden wrote.

"I guess I know the answer. They wanted to get away with it," urging that Clinton turn over the emails to the National Archives immediately.

"Speaking of transparency, our friends Kendall, Cheryl and Phillipe sure weren't forthcoming on the facts here," Podesta replied.

RELATED2: And FLOTUS is no better...
"That's right; I am indeed calling out our country's sorry excuse for a First Lady for her and her husband's deplorable legitimization of the most despicable misogynistic language on earth."

"In April 2016, the Obamas invited numerous rap artists to the White House to discuss Barack Obama's 'My Brother's Keeper' initiative while recognizing them for their "artistic" contributions to minority communities."
You really want four more years of this, Skippy?