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10 October 2016

Debate II - coulda, shoulda, woulda

When Hillary started in about Trump's words objectifying women, he should have simply replied, "Mrs Clinton, I said some objectionable things 11 years ago and again, I'm sorry for that... but let's not forget I'm not the President who stuck a cigar in an college-age intern's v@gina a mere twenty feet away from the Oval Office while supposedly conducting the nation's business."

He got this far by being Trump. Leverage your assets.


RELATED: Hillary seeing Snipers again?
He even bested her on her recollection of her own tenure at the helm of the U.S. State Department.

Trump recalled that Clinton was secretary of state when President Barack Obama drew his now-infamous rhetorical 'red line' in Syria, ineffectively warning Bashar al-Assad not to use chemical weapons against insurgents and civilians.

Clinton insisted she had retired from the government by the time that happened. Not so: Obama dared Assad to cross his line in August 2012, six months before Clinton’s term ended.
Looks like Granny Clinton had another "memory lapse."

You remember the Golf-Pro-in-Chief's "line in the sand", right?
I don’t know what the hell went into that decision,” former Secretary of Defense and CIA director Leon Panetta said Tuesday night. Obama instead announced that he wouldn’t order air strikes until he heard from Congress -- an institution that “has a hard time figuring out what time of day it is.”
Well, Leon... that's why they call it "President"... you're supposed to be in charge.


LAST WORD: Bias, what bias?
Debate Moderator Martha Raddatz married Obama’s Harvard Law School classmate and Harvard Law Review cohort Julius Genachowski in 1991, years before Obama appointed Genachowski to head the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Obama went to the wedding, years before he became a national politician.
Yeah, I'm shocked.