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15 October 2016

If Scientists can put a man on the moon...

...Why can't they do something about those poor people on Gilligan's Island?more witchcraft**********

RELATED: The Nation of WTF?
"The albinoids stayed in the Caucus mountains and caves for 2,000 years. There they became savage, moral-less shameless and psychopathic."
Oh... my... gawd... imbecile just doesn't cover it.

And while we're on savage and shameless...
At least 21 people were shot across the city from Friday evening to Saturday morning, leaving seven dead, according to Chicago Police.
Barackistan feels the pain, yet again.


LAST WORD: City of Angels - 3 KIA, 12 wounded
The owner of the Jamaican eatery, who identified himself only as Dilly, told The Times on Saturday that he runs a catering business out of the house, not a restaurant.

He said another shooting occurred at the location in 2011. "The guy that died in that shooting was my friend."
Burger King, here I come.