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11 October 2016

B(e)rning (Wo)man

Friday, Wikileaks released their first batch of Podesta’s emails, which included excerpts from Clinton’s Wall Street transcripts that reaffirmed why Clinton refused to release them in full.
Need a taste? Let's see the Hildebeast "Abraham Lincoln" this...
On Apr 19, 2015, at 4:20 PM, John Podesta wrote:

I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion.
And there's this...
“Beyond this Hillary should stop attacking Bernie, especially when she says things that are untrue, which candidly she often does,” Brent Budowsky, a former aide to the late Sen. Lloyd Bentsen wrote to Podesta on March 13.
Let's ask a nursemaid...
Abedin: Have you been going over her calls with her? So she knows Singh is at 8? [India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh]

Hanley: She was in bed for a nap by the time I heard that she had an 8am call. Will go over with her.

Abedin: Very important to do that. She’s often confused.

RELATED: From the comments...
Chelsea married into a cesspool: Who in the world is Ed Mezvinsky?
The rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


LAST WORD: Upsetting that apple cart
"Let me tell you something,” Huckabee said. “Here’s a little secret Megyn, a lot of these bed-wetting, hand wringing Republicans, they’re not afraid Donald Trump is going to lose. They’re scared to death he’s going to win."
Time for a new broom.