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17 October 2016

Ask Kathleen Wynne

I'm from the government... I'm here to save you...
Both these bottles contain identical quantities of regular Canadian Club whisky manufactured at the Hiram Walker distillery in Windsor, Ont. And yet, a Californian shopping at her local BevMo! pays less than half the money handed over by a Windsorite who literally drives past the distillery on their way home from the liquor store.
The Liberals have doubled Ontario's deficit since coming into power in 2003. Just something to think about as you're standing in line at the LCBO.


RELATED: Premier Wynne's new mega-inclusive Ontario...

So, for instance, any woman with a turkey baster and an enthusiastic gay male friend...
Under the Liberal government’s proposed Bill 28, “Mother” may soon be replaced in Ontario law by the term “birth parent.”
Remember, though... "birth parent" doesn't have to mean the two human beings who supplied the genetic material. Sorta like the fairy princess trapped inside the body of a middle linebacker.
Premier Kathleen Wynne’s government says a new All Families Are Equal Act will "MODERNIZE" the definition of families.
Of course, not everyone is impressed with the Liberal's brave new world.
"The communists had their one-child policy; Ontario has Wynne’s four-parent policy. Being a father or mother has been trivialized," said Queenie Yu, who’s also a vocal critic of Ontario’s sex-ed curriculum.

“The government is trying to erase all trace of biological parents from these children for an ideological motive.”
Where will all the social engineering end?