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27 October 2016

And Al Gore wept

Americans are more scared of clowns than they are of climate change. According to a poll conducted by Chapman University, 42 per cent of Americans are afraid of clowns, whereas only 32 per cent are afraid of climate change.

They’re also more scared of terrorist attacks (41 per cent), gun rights infringement (38 per cent), family members dying (38 per cent), economic collapse (37 per cent), Obamacare (36 per cent), and biological warfare (35 per cent).

RELATED: Speaking of "caking one's pantaloons"...

What exactly is Youtube afraid of?

See it here.


LAST WORD: Has Hillary questioned Podesta...

...about his buddy & business partner?
"The email released on Wednesday is an invoice — aptly titled “Government Ethics Matters” — sent to Podesta in March 2014 from international law firm Steptoe & Johnson LLC for their services in creating Leonidio LLC. It shows Podesta began taking steps to hide his interests in Joule [on] his second day as an Obama administration official."
Are we gonna hear about this on the major networks?