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06 September 2016

When Canadians go wrong

Seems we're not all timid, apology spewing robots...
"At some point, things escalated and the cyclist allegedly grabbed at the driver through an open window. The cabbie is suspected of then striking the cyclist with his car."
Initial viral video seemed to indict cabbie Ali... but now Baldeep is balls deep too.


UPDATE: Baldeep Cheema, Baldeep Cheema...

...that sounds so familiar... of course, of course, there's that entrepreneurial Toronto spirit... a crowdfunding campaign to cover criminal lawyers fees...
"Court proceeding will not start until sometime after this and I've got 5 children to support. This is making it very difficult to support them and pay for the legal aspect and repairs."
Yes, my friend, that's what happens in this crazy city when you "allegedly" assault someone.

I wonder if Ali Farkhondehfall will use the tried & tested "Michael Bryant" defense.


LAST WORD: So, basically... he's on the dole?
"A Koran teacher who sometimes leads prayers at Scarborough’s Jame Abu Bakr Siddique mosque."
I thought people just memorised the Koran. What teaching does this guy do?