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01 September 2016

Good enough for Ryerson...

...just not good enough for Brock...
Brock University board of trustees vice-chair Gary Comerson said he could not elaborate on Cukier’s departure for confidentiality reasons, calling it a “personnel issue.”

RELATED: Over at the Globe & Plop... the absence of any actual facts, they've decided to turn this into a "gender/diversity issue."

Or, call me wacky... they could just reveal the actual reason.


LAST WORD: The rumour mill is spinning...
There is also the question of whether the recently announced departure of Neil McCartney, who was provost and vice-president, academic, was related to Cukier’s transition into the role. According to the source, Suk told the senate that he couldn’t give any more details because of a confidentiality agreement between Brock and Cukier.

“People left the meeting disgusted. He kept saying, ‘I wish I could tell you I wish I could tell you, but I had no choice.’”
Cukier, Cukier... that sounds so familiar.