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10 September 2016

And all of her lectures start...

..."Once upon a time"...
Members of the Young Americans for Freedom chapter at Saddleback College had their 9/11 memorial posters ripped down and shredded by the chair of the school’s History department.

The perpetrator was Margot Lovett, a gender studies and humanities professor who has a history of controversial actions on campus. Notably, OC Weekly reported in 2001 that she had promulgated a statement by the Black Radical Congress to her colleagues blaming “U.S. Imperialism” for the 9/11 attacks.
Just another reason to vote Trump.


RELATED: Not condemned to repeat it
His name was Derek Statkevicus and he worked on the 89th floor of 2 World Trade Center. And his life was taken by an Islamic terrorist.

That’s a fact.
Don't be silenced.