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09 August 2016

We're Number 3, we're number 3!!!!

Losing our minds over second runner up...
I feel like a superhero,” said the incandescent Jen Kish, the team captain and charter member of the core group that built this team. “What a freaking historical win for us.”
Congrats on the medal, but doesn't this seem a teeny bit over the top. I mean, look at the stuff that Canadians are freaking out about.


RELATED: Can't fight that feelin' anymore...
On the same day Abdirahman Abdi was pronounced dead, Ottawa police moved to hire a Somali-Canadian man who had failed a background check, prompting the civilian investigator in charge of vetting officers to resign.
Hells bells... if this guy is the community's best & brightest... we have to hire him regardless... right?

The pursuit of less than excellence.

Uh... anybody else noticing a pattern here?