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22 August 2016

The Mainstream Media... addition to slitting its own throat... will end up electing Trump...
"Everyone they were talking to • which is themselves • agreed with them."

RELATED: Heads will roll at Toronto Star... scary Muslim article slips through...
The study, titled "Lovers of the Death - Islamist Extremism in Mosques and Schools", says what worried them was not the presence of extremist literature, but that they found nothing but such writings in several libraries.

The authors say openly available material and analysis of social media postings helped confirm their views that many Canadians, including leading politicians, are turning a blind eye to the dangers.

One year ago, the Senate defence and security committee issued a report saying some foreign-trained imams had been spreading extremist religious ideology and messages that are not in keeping with Canadian values, contributing to radicalization.

The report was not supported by Liberal senators on the committee.

The Canadian Council of Imams did not respond to a request for comment.
It's right there, folks. Write to your Member of Parliament, or every fatality from this point on is blood on your hands as well.