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26 August 2016

That secretive, controlling Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...justin hears you
OTTAWA — Interception of Canadians’ private communications by the federal electronic spy agency increased 26-fold last year, for reasons authorities won’t fully explain.
It's almost as if Justin doesn't trust us.


REMEMBER: Information is Power
The BBC, ITV, Channel 4, and Sky are all taking part in Project Diamond, a scheme which will gather data on the gender, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation and gender identity of all key staff working in television production, from the actors to the sound technicians.
Nothing to see here, folks... move along.


LAST WORD: The truth is...
"They don’t take us for idiots. They take us for cowards. They know that we know, and they don’t care."
It's that simple.