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15 August 2016

Second night of "demonstrations"...

Take that sh*t to the suburbs. Burn that sh*t down!” she demands. “We need our sh*t! We need our weave!”

Smith’s call for rioters to stop burning down their own communities is being reported by the media as a rebuke to those behind the violence. However, in reality she is really just calling for the mayhem to be inflicted on the suburbs, or in other words – where all the white people live.

According to police, body camera footage shows 23-year-old Sylville K. Smith aim a gun at officers before he was shot dead by an African-American cop.
Don't you worry, though... it's just a "demonstration."


RELATED: Bigger hill, better death
Black Lives Matter- Toronto blocked off the intersection of Yonge and Dundas streets this morning to protest the death of an Ottawa man killed after a confrontation with police last month.
Wait a minute... you mean the Somali who was grabbing women's breasts in an Ottawa area donut shop? The crazy dude who got tuned up by the crowd while they were holding him for police?

Funny... the media all seem to be skipping over that part?


LAST WORD: Would Mummy dearest lie?BURN THIS BITCH DOWN
"Smith’s mother, Haynes, said her son had recently gotten his conceal-carry license because he had been shot twice and robbed four times – and was stripped of all his clothes during one robbery."
Hmmmm... sorry, Moms, convicted felons don't get pistol permits.