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21 August 2016

Remember, these are the folks...

...who've doubled Ontario's debt since they got in in 2003...
TORONTO • Doctors on the front lines of healthcare rebelled last week, quietly but politely giving Health Minister Eric Hoskins and their own Ontario Medical Association executive the political equivalent of a colonoscopy • without sedation.

In a decisive vote, physicians rejected the tentative deal hammered out between the OMA and the ministry.
Of course there's no money for doctors, the cupboard is already bare...
Wynne recently committed $900 million over four years from future “cap-and-trade proceeds” to make apartment buildings more energy efficient. Last year she created a $325 million “Green Investment Fund”, calling it “a down payment on the province’s cap-and-trade program.”
Speaking of the environment...
The permits allow municipalities, mining companies and golf courses -- in addition to the water-bottlers -- to take a total of 1.4 trillion litres out of Ontario's surface and ground water supplies every day.
Everyone (in the corporate world, anyway) a Wynner.