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02 August 2016

Parents place blame squarely on...

...the "Klan With a Tan" lives splatter
Trenton Nace, 18, & Marquell Rentas, 17 remain jailed Tuesday on $2 million bail. The two cousins, face charges including attempted homicide. Over the weekend, Rentas' mother* issued a statement blaming the Black Lives Matter movement for "inspiring" the teens' actions.

"They are in jail for doing what Black Lives Matters wanted them to do: shoot at cops," Joshalyn Rentas wrote in a statement given to a number of news organizations. "The truth is that these are two punk kids following the orders of an irresponsible organization and now they're gonna pay for it."

Nace's father, Roberto Rentas, made a similar statement to WHTM-TV.

RELATED: And he's no cherry...
Marquell Rentas, who is currently facing multiple charges resulting from Friday morning's shooting incident on Bethel Street, was also involved in last summer's Confederate flag controversy in Columbia.
Power to the people, Marquell. With good behavior, you could be out in 2025.


UPDATE: Toronto Homicide cops rounding up...

...local farmers, hunters & skeet shooters...insert alt text here
At one point during the altercation, police say one of the men took out a firearm from the waistband of his pants and fired four shots, injuring the other man. A stray bullet struck another man who was standing in Yonge-Dundas Square at the time.

Police have identified the suspect as 22-year-old Alfredo Blass, of Toronto.
And the latest...insert alt text hereBlack Lives Matters Toronto was apparently unavailable for comment.