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29 August 2016

I guess Hillary & Huma both... the bad boys...
While his wife, Huma Abedin, travels the country campaigning for Hillary Clinton, the disgraced ex-congressman has been sexting with a busty brunette out West — and even sent her a lurid crotch shot with his toddler son in the picture.
Sweet baby jebus... they're practically living the same life.


UPDATE: From the comments...
So when will Huma announce her engagement to Hillary?
huma hildebeast**********

UPDATE2: Taking Weiner to the cleaner...

Seems like Huma ain't the only one kicking Weiner to the curb.

In other Hildebeast news...
The open source cleaning software published a post titled “BleachBit stifles investigation of Hillary Clinton.”
Coverup... what coverup?