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14 August 2016

I blame Donald Trump...

...and the cops and the reporters and the business owners...segregation
The shooting occurred about one block northwest of the scene of a Friday evening homicide, and about four blocks west of a Saturday morning double homicide. Five people died in shooting-related homicides during a nine-hour stretch in the city on Friday night and Saturday morning.
Let's ask Aldermen Russell W. Stamper II and Khalif Rainey about the rioting & looting, which includes by the way, the firebombing of a gas station...
"Milwaukee has become the worst place to live for African-Americans in the entire country," Rainey said. "Now this is a warning cry. You’re one day away. You’re one day away."
One day away from total anarchy, I assume.

Thank goodness, the #MilwaukeeLootCrew was on the job.


UPDATE: Burn, baby, burn...

It's Ferguson all over again.


RELATED: Dear Toronto Star... a night club?

Sugar Daddy’s is a "strip club"... and if you can publish the shooter's age, why can't you give a physical description?
Police are searching for a suspect, described as a male in his 20s. He was wearing jeans, a white t-shirt and a jean jacket, police say.
Hmmm... something tells me this wasn't a member of the Forest Hills Gun Club.

Yes, Virginia... stereotypes do come from somewhere.