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05 August 2016

Heads are gonna roll at CBC... politically incorrect rogue quote escapes editing bay...

'Small group of people' to blame as shooting deaths more than double in Toronto, Mayor Tory says...
"The incidents we are seeing here, by and large, result from the activities of a very small group of people who have issues with one another," he said.

"They tend to be involved in disputes with each other, in retaliation with each other, and it's leading to more of these incidents."
You mean this 'group'... and these 'incidents', Mr Mayor?
"Frankly, America should carve that “10,000” number onto the Liberty Bell.

Less than 2% of our population commits more than half of all American gun murders. Thus, a very small percent of the US population commits most gun homicides."
But, sadly, the composition of this group must remain a mystery... we're not actually allowed, these days, to say "Voldemort."


RELATED: Bigger hill, better death...
The White Marlin Marina is selling shirts in promotion of billfish conservation adorned with the marlin flag, and reading simply "White Lives Matter" in promotion of white marlin and "Blue Lives Matter" in promotion of blue marlin. "We're promoting people to use circle hooks, to bring them in safely and to release them back," Lamplugh said. "Marlin conservation has been going on for 100 years, and it's an important issue."
That sounds like a worthy endeavor... who could possibly... oh...
Worcester County NAACP president Ivory Smith said the shirts could be interpreted as a mockery of the Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter movements.
Ivory, you mean unlike all that statistical evidence from the Bureau of Justice?