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11 August 2016

Done and done

I'm just surprised there haven't been more of these things... and, no CBC... I don't wanna hear about his "troubled childhood"...
He first caught the attention of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) in October 2014 when he was tweeting support for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria under the alias Harun Abdurahman.
And here comes the Trudeaupian rationalisation...
"It's shocking. Absolutely shocking, actually," said Driver's former lawyer, Leonard Tailleur.
Well, Lenny... maybe if you're a professional apologist for very bad people. Apparently this guy was shot after he he detonated a device that wounded himself and one other person.

Guess who isn't "absolutely shocked?" That'd be Aaron Driver's father...
"The way I see it they did what they had to do. He would not surrender. I’m sure they gave him ample chances."
Well... there you go.


RELATED: It's all about Canada's implacable Islamophobia

Watch how the Toronto "Death Star" changes the narrative...
The goal was to understand the other side of the story — to hear in these peoples’ own words why they would rather dodge bombs and bullets in a war zone than take advantage of Canada’s comforts and security.
The war zone being Strathroy, Ontario... right? Just a poor, misunderstood member of the "Religion of Peace."
"He defended the acts of retribution, be they torture beheadings, executions and burning people alive as gruesome but ultimately necessary."
"Acts of retribution," you say?


LAST WORD: The stuff CBC internships are made of...
At one point there was muffled laughter in the courtroom at Old City Hall after Siad said, "I don't recall" before the Crown had finished asking a question.

The judge instructed Siad to wait until the prosecutor had asked a question before answering.

Siad admitted to friends he used his cellphone to record Rob Ford smoking a crack pipe. He then tried to sell the video to the U.S. news website and to the Toronto Star.
No wonder you dumbsticks are going out of business.