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18 August 2016

Build me a wall... fast as you can...
Yet much as the gun control experiment in Chicago has proven, the gun control schema in Mexico is correlating with rampant violent crime rather than a reduction in such crime. In fact, Mexico’s homicide rate is “more than five times higher” that the homicide rate in the U.S.

RELATED: A little closer to home...religion of peace
Mustafa Ahmed, 28, wanted for murder after an original member of Ottawa's most notorious street gang was gunned down in a ByWard Market club is believed to be in Toronto.
See... you take firearms away from farmers, hunters and target shooters and... problem solved.


LAST WORD: Ask the lunatic left...

...they'll tell you...
"They listen to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and believe Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama when either of them says anything about the scary, black boom-boom sticks. Or even just the regular variety boom-boom sticks."
Just like pencils write poetry... and SUV's murder pedestrians.