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17 August 2016

Barry, Barry quiet

I'm from the government... I'm here to save you...
It’s been more than a month since soldiers in South Sudan, a country that gets more than a billion dollars a year in U.S. assistance, singled out American aid workers for beatings and abuse amid an orgy of theft, intimidation, and gang rapes.

RELATED: A little closer to home...
"Faye accompanied Department of Human Services employees Harmony Raffeo and Deana Chase to Garden Park Medical Center in Gulfport. One of her daughters had tested positive for gonorrhea."

"The 1-year-old was not tested but was suffering from symptoms that prompted medical staff to treat both children for gonorrhea. The 2-year-old tested positive for the STD and had symptoms indicating she had been penetrated."
Maybe they can set up an agency to look into why this agency failed so egregiously. The only thing government does well is create more government. You have to look out for you and yours.


LAST WORD: The Puppetmaster

Maybe Hillary's tics and seizures come from Soro's hand being too far up her ass...
One of Hillary Clinton’s biggest donors, billionaire George Soros, has been exposed in a massive hack for manipulating elections in Europe via his non-government organizations.
Elect another criminal Clinton? Are people really that stupid?