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08 August 2016

A Bible Full of Cannabis

I believe Archbishop Trudeau has already given his blessing...
Formed just over a year ago, Armstrong and Gordon’s congregation is essentially a small collection of followers who believe, like they do, that marijuana is holy.

"We're supposed to have religious freedom," he tells the local news anchor. "We believe that this was in the Bible and that we need to do this as a sacrifice."

The outdoor ceremonies like the one depicted by local news mostly involve smoking joints and talking about love.
World without animus, amen.

And remember, you can't be a Methodist if you don't believe in Global Warming.


RELATED: Speaking of Religion
In an email, Khattab told the CBC that in 2012, he was still experiencing "a cultural shock" and his information about homosexuality was based on an article that he read on Wikipedia.
You think CBC would have let Donald Trump off so lightly?


LAST WORD: Maybe Justin isn't ready after all?
And while licences are required to operate everything from a dog kennel to a flea market in the city of Ottawa, officials say licensing medical marijuana is the responsibility of Health Canada.

But Health Canada does not check the quality and safety of dispensary products because they aren’t part of the legal system for producing and selling medical marijuana in Canada.
Just shut up and smoke.