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29 July 2016

The most trusted name... search engine "gerrymandering"...
Googling the presidential candidates Wednesday morning didn’t produce the exact results some people would expect. Donald Trump wasn’t included. Neither was Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson.

NBC4 reached out to Google to ask about the issue. Around noon Wednesday, Trump and Johnson were both added back to the Google search results.
Bias? What bias?


RELATED: Google this, morons

Orwell was right... War is peace and criminal thugs are suddenly victims... to the Democrats anyway...
Even Attorney General Eric Holder's Justice Department had to concede the whole "hands up don't shoot" story was a bald-faced lie. But at the Democratic Convention, Lezley McSpadden (mother of Mike Brown) was wildly cheered.

Donald Trump, along with every other Republican ever to run for president, is required to repeatedly "disavow" David Duke -- someone he's never met, never mentioned, never thought of, and certainly didn't invite to speak at his convention.

But Hillary invites to her convention the mother of a man whose criminality destroyed a police officer's life, tore the country apart and gave birth to a murderous cop-hating movement. Will a single reporter ask Hillary to disavow that?
Of course not.