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05 July 2016

The capricious & unknowable "Will of Allah"

That's weird... suddenly, nobody's handing out candy or dancing in the streets...
Riyadh (AFP) • Outrage spread on Tuesday after a deadly suicide bombing at Islam's second-holiest site in the Saudi city of Medina, one of three attacks in the kingdom on a single day.

There were no claims of responsibilty for Monday's bombings in Medina, Jeddah and the eastern city of Qatif, but the Islamic State group had urged its supporters to carry out attacks during Ramadan.

Nasima al-Sada, a Qatif resident, called the attackers crazy and said: "I don't know where they get this idea."
I wonder if all the members of the Saudi royal family have their U.S visas up to date?


RELATED: In other Religion of Peace news...
In the aftermath of last year's asylum-related sexual attacks at the "We Are Stockholm" youth festival, the Swedish police are now launching a new campaign. Officers will give out bracelets with the text "Do not molest me" to girls attending this year's festival, of according to Dan Eliasson, head of the country's national police force.
And how exactly is that working out, Officers?
HELSINKI -- Swedish police say they have received reports of 27 cases of sexual assault against girls or young women at a music festival in southern Sweden over the weekend. Hogfeldt said Monday that the victims of the alleged assaults at the free festival were aged 12 to 20. She declined to give more details pending the outcome of an investigation.
I bet she did.


LAST WORD: Where's Justin?just not readyJust something to remember when the terrorists target us in earnest.