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15 July 2016

Messing with Darwin

On every eco-greenie "colony of marmots or somesuch" show ever broadcast, sooner or later, without exception, nature thins out the herd...will of allah
In 2014, the most recent year in which statistics are available, a total of 258 people died as a result of a drug overdose in Toronto. That’s compared to 146 in 2004.
Now, for some folks, the solution is to start giving away hypodermic needles and provide safe, nurturing spaces for the continued abuse of narcotics. In Vancouver, the government is actually handing out pharmaceutical grade heroin on the taxpayer dime.
For the next two years, the recipients will report to a heavily secured safe injection site in Vancouver's downtown Eastside three times a day, seven days a week. Once there, they will be given their physician-approved fix and allowed to inject themselves under the supervision of a nurse.
I'm thinkin'... we don't provide dedicated pub/race tracks and trained safety officials for drunk drivers.

It might be an opportune time to mention that my personal record for waiting in a hospital emergency room with a sick, fevered child in my lap is seven freakin' hours . What's the average wait time at Junkies R Us?

What's next... defensive driving & gun safety courses for gangbangers?
Toronto police have identified the 20-year-old man killed after shots were fired from one vehicle into another in North York Wednesday afternoon. In a release issued Thursday afternoon, investigators identified the man as Abdirizak Hersi.
You call the tune, you gotta pay the piper.


RELATED: Gotta have priorities... right?

If you're gonna jump in and save any part of the national demographic... don't you think these guys should get priority?
"Veterans of Canada’s Armed Forces who have been diagnosed with mental illnesses are being told they must wait several months before the federal government will pay for psychological counselling."
I guess Justin's got other balls in the air.