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26 July 2016


quel surprise
"One of the extremists who stormed into the church was a French 19-year-old named Adel K., who was being monitored by electronic tag after TWICE attempting to join fanatics in Syria. Unbelievably, his bail terms allowed him to be unsupervised between 8.30am and 12.30pm."
Two words... Inspector... Clouseau...
Beyond the tribal is the religious.

In Islam, religion remains limited to the most primitive level of "My tribal deity Allah is stronger than your deity because we beat you up."

This is literally what Allahu Akbar means.
Wake up and smell the slaughter.


RELATED: Take it outside, fellaswill of allah
"The Pontiff was appalled by the 'barbaric killing' because it happened in a sacred place."
Sure... that's what really matters.