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09 June 2016

You've got a Grade 8 education...

...and the sum total of your work experience to date is flogging streetcorner pharmaceuticals... what sort of a "career" do you imagine is on the horizon...
A trio of leaders representing the African Canadian Coalition of Community Organizations came to City Hall Wednesday as Mayor John Tory joined fellow councillors in supporting a gun amnesty program which would trade guns for grocery coupons.

"Coupons are not enough, these people need jobs. They need careers.”
Hang on a second, is that how things work? Do governments just hand out "careers?" It seems the African Canadian Coalition of Community Organizations thinks so.
Knia Singh says, "It’s not enough to say we have gangsters and we have people pulling triggers,” he said. “The real issue is, why are they pulling the triggers? Why are they OK with killing each other indiscriminately anywhere?"
So, Mr Singh... you're acknowledging your "community" is rife with unrepentant murderers? I guess that's a start. Maybe Justin Trudeau can find them life-enriching careers when he beefs up the infrastructure of his enlightened, futuristic "medical marijuana" industry.

PS... if I'd known that John Tory was gonna be handing out "careers" regardless of education or experience, I'd have saved that $20,000 plus per annum it's costing to put my son through university.


UPDATE: Here's one... how about...

...they commit more crimes?
“There are a number of sociological causes for the overrepresentation of African Canadians in prisons and the justice system.”

RELATED: I think we can all agree...

...that talking in politically correct code is not the answer...
“A series of unfortunate events have taken place in and around that address. I wish we could have had a resolution sooner.”
Drop the PC argle-bargle... start calling things by their proper names.