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08 June 2016

Your money... their playthings...

Abolish the Canadian Senate.... do it now...
OTTAWA — Former Liberal senator Rod Zimmer died Tuesday at the age of 73, but his pension lives on. Zimmer’s controversial wife, Maygan Sensenberger, will collect $19,700 a year for the rest of her life, according to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. Considering she’s only 27, that could mean millions to Canadian taxpayers.
Of course, there's more to the story...
In 2012, Sensenberger was charged with causing a disturbance on a flight, for which she received a suspended sentence. She had a previous drunk-driving conviction. In 2015, she was charged with attacking two people at a medical clinic. She also was accused of breaking out the window of a police car and threatening emergency workers with knives.
You get the type of government you deserve.


RELATED: Not so clean himself

Zimmer was a true Librano...
Zimmer was appointed to the Senate by Paul Martin after a loyal career as a Liberal Party bagman.
Funny how all we ever hear about is Mike Duffy...
In addition to the $47,132 in ineligible living expenses, the AG says he took several round trips to Winnipeg during which no parliamentary business was done, charging the Senate $102,524.
Hey... if you vote Liberal... you have to wear this.