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28 June 2016

Somebody's been smokin' the good sh!t

Grandiose Eco-Promises from the failed state that can't even guarantee citizens won't be savagely beheaded by one of its ubiquitous drug cartels...
Mexico will announce that 50 per cent of their electricity will come from clean power sources by 2025 at the Three Amigos summit in Ottawa this week.
The sad truth is, lawless, anarchic Mexico can't predict what will be happening 9 minutes from now... never mind 9 years... but that's just white noise anyway.

The real entertainment here, as usual, will be watching the sheeplike mainstream media kiss Justin Trudeau's ass non-stop for the duration of this event.


RELATED: A uniquely Canadian dilemma

An unstoppable green force meets an immovable religious object...
Once completed, the $80-million project would include replicas of the four Chinese sites. They would cover almost 700 hectares, with traditional temples and a 40-kilometre path for walking meditation.

But a project to build 15 wind turbines nearby is now threatening that vision, according to the Buddhist group that's building the complex.
Oh, my... sort of like what's gonna happen when the University of Toronto sets up a Muslim prayer room next to the LGBT safe space.