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24 June 2016

Liar, liar...

...pantsuit on fire...insert alt text here
In a speech at George Washington University in March 2008, the now-presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said that, when she arrived in Bosnia on March 25, 1996, “I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”
But, wait for it...
News video footage of her arrival at Tuzla, Bosnia shows then-First Lady Clinton walking calmly from the rear ramp of a U.S. Air Force aircraft alongside her then 16-year-old daughter Chelsea.

Clinton dismissed her fabricated story as a “minor blip” during the interview, “I say a lot of things — millions of words a day — so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement.”
Or, as all of us "little people" would call it... "another f@ckin' lefty lie."


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