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21 June 2016

Just think of it... "protection money" up or else
"I don't have work, I'll be outside chillin' in the hood and stuff but that's not gonna get me far. It'd get me in trouble... I don't need none of that stuff near my family."
Translation... "Gimme a job... or bodies be droppin'.

Hey Canada... ever wonder why your taxes keep heading for the stratosphere?
The federal government, which already funds 6200 summer jobs in the city, had previously announced that they would be doubling the number of overall jobs in the program this year.
I guess the Prime Minister can just add this line item to this years 30 billion dollar deficit.

Wait a minute, jobs for the hood, that sounds so familiar...
"Toronto politicians were shocked to hear the alleged Eaton Centre shooter had a City of Toronto job working with kids up until two weeks ago."
Party on John Tory.


RELATED: Remember... this is only June
"Figures released by Toronto police indicate that shooting incidents are up 47 per cent compared to the same period last year."
Let's have the cops round up farmers, hunters and target shooters. That'll fix things.


LAST WORD: It'll take a tragedy...

...for politicians to act...
"Some curious kid is going to come along and the first thing kids do is put things in their mouths."
Sweet baby jebus.