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29 June 2016

I'm just waiting for Barack Obama... try pinning this atrocity on "gay bodybuilders"....barack o'blabber
Five Saudis, two Iraqis, an Iranian, Jordanian, Tunisian, Ukrainian, Chinese and a Uzbekistan citizen were confirmed to be among the dead as the airport reopened on Wednesday, which was declared a day of national mourning.
The Turks aren't so reticent...
Turkish authorities says they are increasingly convinced the Islamic State group was behind Tuesday's deadly attack on Istanbul's Ataturk Airport.
Nor are the Japanese, for that matter...
Japan's Supreme Court has upheld the government's blanket surveillance of the country's Muslim community.
I'm also looking forward to seeing Justin Trudeau do rhetorical cartwheels to avoid using the "M word".


UPDATE: Obama's hand-picked AG...

...meets on the sly with Mr Bo-Kankles...
Lynch met with the former president for 30 minutes aboard a government-owned private jet at Sky Harbor International Airport, local network ABC15 reported. Lynch, who will have the final legal authority on any indictments concerning Clinton and her former State Department aides, only confirmed the unannounced meeting after she was pressed by the Arizona news station.
You wouldn't understand... it's a Chicago thing.