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30 May 2016

TO's P.C. Press does a screeching 180

••• Why is it suddenly acceptable to headline a murder suspect's place of birth? ••• pc double standardApparently, it's no big deal... as long as it's a white guy who comes from a privileged background.
"The scion of a wealthy Toronto family was arrested in Los Angeles this week on suspicion of murder."

RELATED: Cake and eat it, too...pc double standard againWait a minute... shocker headline notwithstanding, it seems this isn't the resurgent KKK after all...
Abdikadir (Abdi) Abdow, 24, was earlier convicted of first-degree murder for the April 26, 2009, slaying of Mohamed (Malik) Khalif, 20, at the city's Hermitage Park.
From the comments...
"Face it -- "Somali man killed by Somali man" -- isn't really news."