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30 March 2016

The Trouble with Tribbles...

...and, apparently, every other life form...
A 59-year-old radio DJ who claims William Shatner is his biological father is suing the Star Trek star for $170 million, according to a lawsuit filed in Florida.
Meanwhile, in other "finding myself while assiduously avoiding actual work" news... (try to pick just one)...woe, woe, woe
• Melissa A. Fabello is the Co-Managing Editor of Everyday Feminism. She is also a body acceptance activist, sexuality scholar, and patriarchy smasher living in Philadelphia.

• Mahealani Joy is a writer, storyteller, and activist currently based out of Minnesota. They are a kanaka maoli (Native Hawaiian) non-binary queer with an intense passion for all things geeky.

• Hari Ziyad is a Brooklyn-based storyteller. They are the Editor in Chief of RaceBaitR, a space dedicated to imagining and working toward a world outside of the white supremacist cisheteropatriarchal capitalistic gaze.
And don't you worry, there's plenty more.