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03 March 2016

The Mack Daddy Chronicles

Dear Social Justice Warriors... I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that in, say... Fergus, Ontario, for example... being a "stylin' Pimp" is still a less coveted career choice than it is in, for instance, parts of metropolitan Toronto...stereotypes on steroidsStereotypes...they gotta come from somewhere, right?


RELATED: Targeting the Good Guys
Higgins’s resignation came 10 days after a video circulated online through the Acadiana, La., ABC affiliate KATC in which he called for wanted members of the Gremlins gang to turn themselves in.

Addressing the suspected criminals, Higgins called the alleged gang-members “thugs,” “heathens,” and “animals.”
It's a brave new Care Bear world.


LAST WORD: I guess you just gotta believe