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04 March 2016

That arrogant, xenophobic Stephen Harp...

...wait a minute...when the cameras aren't around
Mohamed is an unaccompanied minor fleeing a brutal war and requesting asylum in our country. Canada responded by forcing him into a small room and shutting the door. He was allowed out for less than an hour each day to play basketball alone in the snow.

The CBSA is now seeking to deport him.
I guess thats what passes for Justin justice when the cameras aren't rolling...
A few weeks earlier, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was at Toronto’s main airport, personally greeting the first planeload of refugees.
I don't get it. Prime Minister Care Bear fast-tracked 25,000 Syrian refugees and prior to that championed the cause of Omar Khadr, a confessed terrorist & murderer, but this kid gets the full "Count of Monte Cristo" treatment?


RELATED: Speaking of actual terrorists...liberal logic
TORONTO—The leader of an al-Qaida-inspired plot to explode truck bombs in downtown Toronto during the morning rush hour will have his Canadian citizenship reinstated under legislation introduced by the Liberals on Thursday.
So, let's toss an unaccompanied minor into the hole... while playing kissy-face with convicted terrorists? How does that make an iota of sense?

To quote Lance over at SDA... "It's almost as if they weren't ready."