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12 March 2016

In other "Religion of Peace" news...

Gunfire erupted in the aftermath of a funeral at the Calgary Muslim Cemetery near Cochrane Friday afternoon, when an altercation broke out between some of the attendees, Mounties say.
And while we're on quaint cultural customs...bang-bangPerhaps one of our more worldly, or even Muslim readers could explain the whole machineguns at Muslim weddings phenomena?


LAST WORD: My bad... perhaps I shouldn't...

...just be singling out weddings and funerals...
Following Iraq’s victory in a quarter-final of the under-20s’ football World Cup last month, at least four people were killed and more than 20 injured in an outburst of celebratory gunfire.
Football fans are not the only culprits: across the Arab world students are sometimes injured by the hail of bullets that often follows the publication of high-school exam results.
Hmmm... I wonder if Justin Trudeau would consider letting 50,000 doctors and nurses jump to the head of the immigration waiting list?