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15 March 2016

If only some political party...

...would push tens of thousands of devotees of a violent medieval theocracy to the head of Canada's immigration waiting list... that'd fix things...justin's friends
Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said it appears to have been an isolated incident and “there is no imminent threat to public safety.”
Tell that to the two soldiers who got sliced & diced.

RELATED:  Dear Minister Ralph Clouseau...

...perhaps that word "isolated" doesn't mean exactly what you think it does...terroristI dare Mr Goodale to repeat that statement to the families of Patrice Vincent or Nathan Cirillo.

The suspect lives in a Toronto Community Housing townhouse on Albion Road in Rexdale with his mother and sister, a resident at the complex has told CTV News.
LAST WORD:  Just the facts ma'amstab stab