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22 March 2016

Dear Prime Minister Care Bear...

...are you now prepared to admit that teaching children to snowboard is not adequate preparation to run an entire country? • just not ready
'I heard a man shout some Arabic words then an explosion.. then a second explosion, a massive explosion, much bigger.

'It was a horror. I saw at least seven people dead. There was blood. People had lost legs. You could see their bodies but no legs.'
The capricious and incomprehensible "Will of Allah."


RELATED: Doubling down on insanity...trudeau terroristThat's something Justin forgot to mention while he dragged 25,000 unvetted Muslim refugees to the head of Canada's immigration line.

The US and the EU have declared that ISIS is guilty of genocide, so why won't Justin Trudeau's Liberals?

LAST WORD: Barbie isn't the only one...

...who thinks that "math is hard"...
being justin trudeauNotice that, not once in this article does Robert Fife mention that Justin Trudeau originally promised a deficit of $10,000,000,000.

The fact that it has tripled to $30,000,000,000 is apparently not newsworthy. I guess if you don't get appointed to the Senate this time around... you try harder.

P.S. - No senate seat for Lorrie Goldstein...i didn't vote for him