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31 March 2016

Apparently, very close proximity to the...

..."offender" part of the "continuum" is known to occasionally produce life-altering consequences...

continuum my ass
Voelzing was due to complete a two-year graduate program in victimology in April. • "I hope to use my skills and understanding of victims rights and needs as well as the victim-offender continuum to work with and support youth." •
Unfortunately, it seems "youth" wasn't willing to return the favour...
Sources told CBC News that four other people were at the home on Sonnet Crescent when a man showed up at the front door with a gun around 5 a.m. A man inside the house also had a gun.
I imagine this girl's family and friends are belatedly wishing she'd chosen... instead of a career in catch & release "social justice"... to go to Veterinary School down in Guelph.