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24 February 2016

Your money... her pet projects

Once again, the Liberal Party is pulling out all the trendy politically correct stops...
Ontario will spend $100 million over the next three years on a long-term strategy to end violence against indigenous women.
The question here is, why do we need this "strategy" at all?
"The overview reveals a virtually identical homicide solving rate for Aboriginal women (88%) and non-Aboriginal women (89%). The study reveals that the rate of stranger perpetrated homicide against Aboriginal women is 8%, virtually the same as for non-Aboriginal women (7%).
Why does Kathleen Wynne not have a strategy for protecting women regardless of their ethnicity? Why wouldn't the government want to just help victims of violence... regardless of gender or ethnic origin?

Perhaps, instead, as government statistics suggest, society needs to be protected from aboriginal women...
Sapers pointed to statistics that show the total number of people incarcerated in federal institutions went down by 12 per cent between 1996 and 2004. But the number of native inmates increased 21 per cent in the same period.

The figures were even more dramatic for native women, whose numbers rose by a startling 74 per cent.
Could the homicide rate for aboriginal women have any relation to their skyrocketing prescence in the prison system?


RELATED: How about protecting aboriginal children...

...from their parents?
"The rate of deaths from injuries is 3 to 4 times higher for Aboriginal children than for other children in Canada."

Source: Government of Canada (2002) Healthy Canadians – A Federal Report on Comparable Health Indicators Ottawa: Health Canada.
One in 10 aboriginal children now lands in foster care, compared to one in 200 for non-aboriginal children, the AFN said. There are currently three times as many children in foster care as there were in residential schools.
The numbers don't lie. Politicians do.


"Amazing that Wynne, unable to find enough provincial rat holes to pour money into, invades what is largely a federal jurisdiction, aboriginal affairs."
I'm afraid our grandchildren will still be paying for Liberal folly 50 years from now.