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14 February 2016

Will Hussein Obama pull another rabbit, er...

...slippery, misdirecting analogy outta his raggedy race-splainin' sleeve... "If I had an over-excitable, epicurean nephew... he'd look like Mohamed Barry"...
On Thursday a machete-wielding man called Mohamed slashed four diners in an Israeli-owned restaurant in Columbus, Ohio. As is traditional, police professed to be utterly baffled.
CBS news identifies the locale as "a Mediterranean restaurant" and local law enforcement are more than happy to, yet again, play another round of... "who's on first?"
"There was no rhyme or reason as to who he was going after," said Columbus police Sgt. Rich Weiner. "Right now there's nothing that leads us to believe that this is anything but a random attack."

RELATED: Who's Zoomin' Who
According to terrorism expert Steven Emerson, before Obama visited the Islamic Society of Baltimore, he asked the FBI for its opinion of the mosque.

FBI investigators informed Obama of the mosque’s ties to terrorism. They urged him not to confer it with the legitimacy that comes with a presidential visit.

Obama ignored the FBI’s advice.

The next 11 months will be miserable for Israel.
And yet, no one even seems to notice what is happening.

No one breaks this sort of thing down better than the incomparable Mark Steyn...
"Free peoples are losing the habit of free speech," he says. "They're taught, not really just at university but in fact from kindergarten, that there is a correct view of certain subjects and that incorrect views are distressing. The last two generations raised in the Western world, they don't do that thing, the apocryphal Voltaire line, 'I disagree with what you say but I'll fight to the death for you to.'"

"They'll fight to the death for you not to be allowed to say it."
Remember, this is all about shaping the narrative. And there's no better way to do that than to stifle discussion and possible dissent before it happens.

And speaking of magic tricks...
Here’s another weird scenario: a recess appointment. The Senate is going to be on Easter recess from March 21 to April 1. What if Obama put somebody in during those 10 days? There’s precedent — in 1956, another election year, Dwight Eisenhower made a recess appointment out of William Brennan. He stayed on the court until 1990.


LAST WORD: "Hit me baby, one more time..."trayvon tacticsUh-huh.