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06 February 2016

Too many Chiefs...not enough... supervision...
Now, almost a year after the killing of Teresa Robinson, 11, in a remote northern Manitoba First Nation community and under pressure to solve the case, RCMP investigators are trying to gather DNA samples from about 2,000 local men and boys.

The DNA sweep comes as Ottawa is gathering feedback on the design and scope of a national inquiry into the 1,200 indigenous women and girls who have been murdered or went missing in the past 30 years.

Aboriginal women make up only four per cent of Canada’s female population, but accounted for 16 per cent of all women murdered in 1980-2012.
Yeah, Justin, you call that "missing aboriginal women" enquiry. I'm thinking it just might not give you the very specific answer you're looking for.


UPDATE: That's a 50 million dollar enquiry, right Justin?
Parallel to the findings of the 2014 Overview in which most homicide victims had a previous relationship with the offender, the 2013 and 2014 RCMP data reveals that the offender was known to the victim in 100% of the solved homicides of Aboriginal women in RCMP jurisdictions, and in 93% of cases of solved homicides of non-Aboriginal women.

Violence within family relationships is a key factor in homicides of women, and has prompted the RCMP to focus intervention and prevention efforts on familial and spousal violence.
Release the Kracken!!!!


RELATED: In other hunter-gatherer news...
A letter describing “a culture of bullying, misogyny, sexualization of Aboriginal women, inequality and lateral violence” at a First Nations health-care system in British Columbia led to an extraordinary federal government audit — and to troubling conclusions made public this week.
Need an example?
“A senior leader was ‘strongly advised’ to hire female candidates based on looks and body types
Does the FNHC mission statement include a "Hooters clause" regarding "hiring hot chicks?" I wonder how our feminist PM feels about that.

And lest you think this operation is just another inconsequential affirmative action bone First Nations have been thrown...
"The annual payments from Ottawa and the B.C. government that will total more than $4.7 billion by 2023."
A billion here, a billion there... pretty soon you're talkin' real money. And, of course, without fear of audits, some of the valuta falls off the back of the truck...
Internal Health Canada documents report that the organization has directed amounts as large as $5-million to programs with “no clear rationale,” and for activities “to be determined” later. Meanwhile, more than $4-million received by the FNHA since 2007 could not be accounted for at all.
Remember... these are the folks that Prime Minister Care Bear just exempted from regular financial audits, because... "racism."