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18 February 2016

Straight out of the "Lefty" playbook

"Do as I say, not as I did..."hypocrite
President Obama “regrets” filibustering the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in 2006, his top spokesman said Wednesday, though he maintains that the Republican opposition to his effort to replace Justice Antonin Scalia is unprecedented.

As a senator from Illinois, Obama and 23 other senators attempted to stage a filibuster to block a confirmation vote on Alito, one of former President George W. Bush’s picks to serve on the bench.
Remember, it's only a bad thing when a conservative does it.

And while we're on hypocrisy...
Pope Francis made an indirect but biting criticism at Donald Trump Thursday, suggesting those who build walls “aren’t Christian.”

Ironically, the pope’s home of Vatican City is surrounded by enormous medieval walls.
Hey, at least this Pope isn't a card-carrying Hitlerite.