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18 February 2016

My Melting Pot Overfloweth

A top spiritual leader in the Palestinian territory of Gaza told a television audience last week how and when men can beat their wives, advising not to hit them in a way that “makes the face ugly.”

Al-Laham, whose title makes him the top spiritual leader appointed by the Palestinian Authority, then went into detail about how a husband should hit a wife.
wife beating 101
The shocking interview with Hassan Al-Laham, who holds the title “Mufti of Gaza,” came during a weekly Palestinian Authority TV program on social issues. Explaining that divorce must be a last resort in Islam, Al-Laham laid out the four steps that should come first.

"Allah said: Warn them [the wives], and separate from them, and hit them, and bring an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family," he said. The hitting should "be like a joke," even reinforcing "the love and friendship" between the couple.

RELATED: In other Islamic goings-on
A court appeal launched by the former Conservative government seeking to rescind bail for Omar Khadr has been dropped by the Liberals as a part of the government's commitment to "review its litigation strategy."
Chalk up another win for Prime Minister Care Bear.


LAST WORD: Math is hard
There were any number of “placeholders” in the Liberal platform – such as the cost of resettling Syrian refugees, pegged at $100 million during the election, now estimated at $1.2 billion.
Yup... he got us good.