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07 February 2016

I'm with Justin

Forget Alberta and that nasty Oil Industry... Prime Minister "Narcissus Pompador" attracts important new business that meshes with his deepest personal beliefs...
The largest permanent, haute couture Barbie exposition in the world is coming to Les Cours Mont-Royal next week. The Barbie museum will feature high-fashion, designer, and even celebrity Barbies.

The dolls will be featured wearing designs from Armani, Dior, Versace, Givenchy, Oscar de la Renta and many more notable names from the fashion industry.
In other Prime Ministerial news...
When asked what Canada's role should be in the fight against ISIS, only 27 per cent told the Angus Reid Institute that they were on the same page as Trudeau.
Man... all those knuckle-draggin' neo-conserv... wait a minute...
Slightly more past Liberal voters were in support of maintaining the current level of Canada's involvement than were in support of withdrawing Canada's fighter jets.
Honeymoon over?