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29 February 2016

If you watch the Oscars... you're a moron

Millionaire dilettantes throw their annual mass beatification, bookended by a month long wave of dionysian self-celebration... while condescending to let you watch how fabulous they are... from the servants quarters...celebutardsSeriously. No excuse. Morons.

This isn't entertainment, it's a sort of self-inflicted ECT. Is that what you want for your kids?

P.S. - You think this only applies to Tinsel Town? Two words, fanfolk... Justin... Trudeau.


"Feelings.. nothing more than feelings."

"Plenty of gun control on Breaking Bad."

"It's all about them feeling good about themselves, not actually fixing problems. I'm surprised they all didn't receive a trophy just for attending the Oscars."
And finally...
"They should award an Oscar for hypocrisy."
Wait for it...
"All Oscars are for hypocrisy."

RELATED: The pursuit of celebrity...

...has become an actual industry... but what happens when things go off-script?
After jetting around like a king to private islands in private helicopters, “you go off the show and back to your job at Target or bartending, and all of a sudden you’re depressed,” he says. “It’s just inevitable.”
Here's an indisputable fact... Hollywood has killed way more people than my guns.